Saturday, November 15, 2008

We grew carrots

Well, The Professor grew them. I had nothing to do with it. But weren't these a lovely surprise to get from the garden today?

Here they are fresh from the yard:

And here they are all cleaned up and ready to be chopped up for soup:

We managed to get some food from our front yard this year. Among other things, we grew tomatoes, a couple little heads of broccoli, two wee cabbages, some peas (delish!), and a mess of rogue tomatillos that were mostly left to die on the vine because I didn't know what to do with them. So not a lot of food, but some, and I didn't do a good job of chronicling our efforts at all, mainly because they weren't our efforts but just The Professor's efforts. He didn't do such a great job of chronicling either. I have photos of some of the stuff we grew around here somewhere, and I will try to put together a post with a little more information about our first year with veggies in the front yard. For now, though, I've got soup to make.

1 comment:

  1. I can't decide which picture I like better. I love the muddy carrots so much I was actually dreading that you'd clean them as I scrolled down the blog post! Luckily, they look totally lush and alive (in a different way...) once clean. Can't wait to find out how they taste.


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