Sunday, May 25, 2008

Check it out

I finally took the time to install the amazingly cool Ravelry progress bars on my blog. Look! It's right there on the right. These are all the knitting projects I haven't touched in ages. Links to more details (hyperlinked project name) are only available for Ravelry members, alas, but clicking the little photos takes you to the larger image on Flickr. I added these in preparation for a big Getting Unstuck on My Knitting Projects post. Stay tuned!


  1. You never cease to amaze me. So glad you started blogging.

    I did finish my crochet project (lap afghan) before May. Nothing like tying off that last snip of yarn, huh?

  2. that i could ever get it together to upload my pictures to ravelry, nevermind installing progress bars... you're a force to be reckoned with, sweetie. :)


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